Our Research

From Start-ups, to SMEs and even large businesses, we found these common concerns CEOs are trying to overcome
our research

Common challenges we see globally

“MANAGEMEND EYE”,  reveals these as the most common challenges and concerns that business owners and leaders are trying to overcome.

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How exactly can getting digitally transformed help?

A business can only truly experience scalability and longevity with genuine digital transformation, especially during and after the pandemic.

Just how do you get innovation to be repeatable?

A business’ listening capabilities, or the lack there of, can impact its ability to bring about innovation. Find out how do you fare!

How are great companies getting motivation right

Find out why there is a mismatch between what science knows and what businesses do, and perhaps you do too?

How does getting into disruptive flow really work?

Harnessing the power of human ability requires understanding our innate need to be in “flow”, a state conducive to productivity.

What advantage awaits those who get social and search ready

You probably reached this page through a social/search engagement, but still believe it doesn’t apply to your customers?

Do production gains really offset the cost of going high-tech

Why fix something that isn’t broken, right? Just how expensive is it to not upgrade your operational tech?

Why are businesses consciously going lean and agile?

Duplications and leakages in your processes have the power to empower your competitors. But what if you don’t even know it’s happening?

How can going niche turn a red ocean blue?

Great businesses manage to inspire followers. What can you do when the market saturates, and others reach your competence levels?

What mergers and acquisitions are on the horizon?

Is it true that if you can’t beat them, you should join them? How can local players survive the menace of global competitive forces?

How regulation-ready does a business really need to be?

The devil is in the detail. How well a business knows the changing horizon of regulations within its industry, can determine a lot.

Can we afford not to go hyper-customer-focused?

Businesses today are having to rethink how to increase their understanding of their customer’s behaviour.

What separates a great CEO from all the good ones?

The difference between being too involved or too little holds the power a CEO needs to go from being a tactical to strategic CEO.

Why are companies going tribal with their purpose

Managing teams is getting obsolete. Instead, great leaders are using purpose to manage their businesses as tribes

Why businesses go helical with their talent management

Veterans lack new skills, but resist change the most. New talents might be willing to learn but do can you trust them? What do you do

How teams that get aligned, achieve more than others

Learn how knowing when to be strategically aligned and when tactically, separates the disruptors from the disrupted.

What customers are you missing by not going omni channel?

B2B businesses today, more than ever, that believe their customers aren’t online, are having to reconsider their customer engagement.



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